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Located on the edge of the business hub of Cape Town's southern suburbs, The Quadrant offers an ideal location for both small and large companies to buy or rent. Adjacent to one of the biggest medical units Kingsbury Hospital, The Quadrant hosts several medical suits and doctor’s offices. Its centrality in terms of access to major routes, retail and business districts as well as its large tranquil courtyards and restaurants make it an excellent location for businesses.

Businesses at The Quadrant

Tel: +27 (0) 21 673 4200

Medical Professionals at The Quadrant

Obesity Clinic
Room 308,
3rd Floor,
Library Square
Tel 021 674 3309

Pathcare Pathologists
Room 102,
1st Floor,
Library Square
Tel 021 674 2643

Cape Fertility Clinic
2nd Floor,
Library Square
Tel 021 674 2088

K Adams
Plastic Surgeon
Room 310, 3rd Floor Library Square
Tel 021 671 0942

Martin Bailey
Room 202, 2nd Floor, Library Square
Tel 021 674 0933

U Botha
Room 314, 3rd Floor Library Square
Tel - 021 671 4050

S Christians,
Room 103, 1st Floor Library Square
Tel 021 671 0999

K Cronwright
Plastic Surgeon
Room 203, 2nd Floor, Library Square
Tel 021 671 6024

R. Dhansay
Room 209, 2nd Floor, Library Square
Tel 021 683 7036

Megan Fisher
Room 312, 3rd Floor Library Square
Tel 021 671 4577

G Fourie
Room 303, 3rd Floor, Library Square
Tel 021 683 4858

L Graves
Room 314, 3rd Floor Library Square
Tel 021 671 4005

C Greeff
Maxilla Facial
Room 304, 3rd Floor, Library Square
Tel 021 671 7517

D Harrison
Room 207, 2nd Floor, Library Square
Tel 021 674 1741

R Hendricks
Maxilla Facial
Room 205, 2nd Floor, Library Square
Tel 021 671 5040

S Heylen
Room 209, 2nd Floor, Library Square
Tel 021 674 2088

L B Krause,
Room 316, 3rd Floor, Library Square
Tel 021 683 4580

P Le Roux
Room 209, 2nd Floor, Library Square
Tel 021 674 2088

R Lehloenya
Room 103, 1st Floor, Library Square
Tel 021 671 0999

S Makanjee
Room 206, 2nd Floor, Library Square
Tel 021 674 9272

C Mcmahon
Room 303, 3rd Floor, Library Square
Tel 021 683 4858

J Mills
Room 303, 3rd Floor, Library Square
Tel 021 683 4858

A Morris
Allergy Clinic
Room 303, 3rd Floor, Library Square
Tel 021 674 3637

G Morrison
Plastic Surgeon
Room 309, 3rd Floor,
Library Square
Tel 021 683 9220

M K Ostrofsky
Maxilla Facial
Room 306, 3rd Floor, Library Square
Tel 021 683 8954

Patel Zaheed
Room 305, 3rd Floor, Library Square
Tel 021 671 8951

Peninsula Eye Clinic
Room 204,
2nd Floor,
Library Square
Tel 021 674 2072

Sulaiman /Cunningham Orthopod/
Room 315, 3rd Floor, Library Square
Tel 021 683 7179

G Stapleton
General Surgeon
Room 307, 3rd Floor,
Library Square
Tel 021 671 6181

C Thomas
Room 301, 3rd Floor,
Library Square
Tel 021 671 1738

K Wiswedel
Room 209, 2nd Floor,
Library Square
Tel 021 674 2088

K Woods
Room 207, 2nd Floor
Library Square
Tel 021 683 7014

The Quadrant Wellness Centre

Warren Solomons
Therapeutic, Sports Massage
Therapy practice,
Tel: 0216715300

Mandy Banks
31 Wilderness Rd, Claremont
Tel: 0834577159

Celia Smith
31 Wilderness Rd, Claremont
Tel: 021 671 5300

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